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Φάωνος & Χ. Τρικούπη, Μυτιλήνη

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In the name of a woman, in the name of the people

30 Sep 2022



στις 18,00


During the 43 years of its rule, the Iranian regime has always violated human rights and tortured the people of Iran. Last week, they beat and killed a 22-year- old woman, Jina (Mahsa) Amini, in the street for not wearing a full hijab. There have been many protests during the past years in which people expressed their anger about the iranian government. This time the violent murder of a woman was the spark that ignited the fire that is now burning in Iran again and is uniting many people to fight against their oppression. For a week now, women and men, old and young, have been protesting on the streets from east to west, from north to south of Iran. People, whose demands were met with bullets and iron fists for 43 years.

However, the repression did not lead to success and large protests are taking place in all the cities of Iran. Many women burned their scarves to show solidarity with Jina and to express their anger about the murderous regime.

The streets become once more a battlefield and the cry of “death to the dictator” and “death to Khamenei” is heard all over the country. The ones in power kill with guns and brave people defend freedom with their bare hands, clenching their fists as a sign of protest and coming to the streets day after day. The people are angry and determined to abolish the Islamic Republic.

We are here to show our solidarity with these brave people. We stand and we are proud of the people of Iran!

No Border Kitchen Lesvos


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